Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Chapter 8

Choose one of the following questions and answer in paragraph (minimum of 3 sentences). Note which question you are responding to.

1. Identify at least two details in this chapter that reveal the setting (time period and place) of this novel.

2. Why is Jem's snowman creation so unacceptable to both Atticus and Miss Maudie?

3. What does the fire at Miss Maudie's house reveal about the people living in Alabama in the 1930's?

4. Besides Atticus, identify a new character who supports Jem and Scout. Provide evidence to support this character's benevolent spirit.


mother said...

Atticus and Miss Madie dont think it is appropreate to make. it is just wrong

Unknown said...

Miss Madie and artimas dont approv of it.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

#1 You can tell that it was in the the late ninettn fifties or early sixties because there is a lot of racism against collored people and there is really high expectations for the children. THE END!

Shelbz said...

They didn't approve cuz the snowman was mocking boo radley an it was innapropriate to them

Unknown said...

Question 2.

The reason they didnt approve was because it was a snowman of Boo Radley. It was also inappropriate.

Unknown said...

# 4
Uncle Jack is the new character who supports them. He loves them, and is very nice to them.

Unknown said...

#2 Atticus and Miss.Maudie dissaproved of the snowman because it was black.They thought that it was mocking Boo Radely. When Jem was making his snowman dirt got mixed with the snow and made it black.

Unknown said...

3. The fire was devastating. It revealed that people in Alabama are nice to each other. It also revealed that towns are spread apart.

Unknown said...

#4 uncle jack is one of the newer chars. he buys jem and scout the air rifls and tells them jokes. he is also aticuses bro. .

Unknown said...

Atticus and Miss Maudie dissaproved on the snowman because it was mocking Boo Radley. They told him to destroy it because they didn't like it.

Unknown said...


Jem's snowman was unacceptable because it was mocking Boo Radley. They thought it was very rude. They made Jem destroy it.

Unknown said...


Atticus and Miss Maudie didn't like Jem's snowman.They din't like it Because it mocked Mr. Avery. And Mr. Avery didn't like it either.

payton_roy said...

#2 They disaproved of it because it was making fun of Boo and was disrespectfull.The snowman was black fron dirt and they had him tear it doun.

Unknown said...

#4) Uncle is one of the new characters who supportJem and Scout. He is very nice to them. He is very helpful to.

Unknown said...


Briana said...

3.What does the fire at Miss Maudie's house reveal about the people living in Alabama in 1930's?
They were nice enough to care about her house catching on fire and try to help her and it took a while for a fire truck to get to her house.

Unknown said...

3. the fire shows that people in alabama dont know how to operate a stove properly. it was so cold they probly stuffed it full of wood and left it patialy open. people were illprepared for such a snow storm.

Unknown said...

2. Because the snow man was a representation of Miss Maudie's neighor (can't remember his name and I know it wasn't Boo Radley), but the snow man was covered in black and other things, so it looked disrespectfull to her and Atticus.

Unknown said...

2. Atticus does not approve of the childrens snowman because the snowman showed a resemblance to Boo Radley

Unknown said...

#4 uncle jack is a new characters. he buys jem and scout air rifls.He is also aticuses brother.

Unknown said...

Jem's snowman was unacceptable because it was mocking Boo Radley. Atticus and Miss Maudie thought it was very mean so they made Jem get rid of it.

Unknown said...

There was a fire at Miss Maudie's house. Everyone was willing to help. This reveals that the people living in Alabama in the 1930's are kind.

Unknown said...

Atticus and Miss Maudie dissaproved of the snowman because it was black.They thought that it was mocking Boo Radely. When Jem made his snowman dirt got mixed with the snow and made it black.

Unknown said...

They did not like it because it was mocking Boo Radley.

Unknown said...

I am doing number four again, because last time I only did two sentences.

Uncle Jack is the new character who supports them. He loves them. He is very nice to them.

Unknown said...

2 Atticus and Miss.Maudie dissaproved of the snowman because it was black.They thought that it was mocking Boo Radely. When Jem was making his snowman dirt got mixed with the snow and made it black.

dallas cowboys said...

#1 You can tell that it was in the the late ninettn fifties or early sixties because there is a lot of racism against collored people and there is really high expectations for the children. THE END!