Sunday, January 28, 2007

Chapter 14

Choose one of the following questions to answer in a complete paragraph (minimum of 3 sentences). Note which question you are responding to.

1. Who does Scout find hiding under the bed? Why is this person hiding in the Finch home?

2. Why is Jem considered a "traitor"? Why is he also considred a maturing, more responsible young man?


Shelbz said...

Number one.

Scout finds Dill hiding under the bed. He is hiding there because of his dad. He is mean to Dill and dislikes him. He put him in a cellar and locked him up until a guy came and got him out. He is at the Finch home so he can stay with the Finches while hes hiding.

Unknown said...

1. Scout finds Dill under the bed. He is hiding because he ran away from home and did not want to go to Miss Rachel's.

Unknown said...

#1 she finds dill under her bed and thinks he is a snake. he says that he ran away from home because his father was mean. then he spends the night with scout.

Unknown said...

This is #1. Scout finds Dill hiding under her bed. He is hiding because his step dad mistreats him. He doesn't like Dill. He locked him in the cellar. Then some dude came and got him out. He went there so his step dad doesn't find him.

Unknown said...

Question 1.

Scout finds Dill under her bed. He is there because of his father. He is very mean to Dill and does not like him very much.He got locked inside of a ceelar and was ther until a man comes and gets him out. The Finch's let him stay with them while he is hiding.

Unknown said...

1. Scout finds Dill. Dill is hiding there because he ran away from home. His daddy didn't like him.

Unknown said...

#1 Hiding in the Finch home is Dill.He is hiding under Scouts bed and she finds him.He hides there because of his dad because his dad is mean and abuses him.

Unknown said...

#1 Scout finds Dill under the bed. He is hiding there because of his dad. He is mean to Dill and dislikes him. He put him in a cellar and locked him up until a guy came and got him out. He is at the Finch home so he can stay with the Finches while he's hiding.

Unknown said...


Scout finds Dill hiding under the bed. Dill had been hiding there because he was running away from his dad, who is very mean to him and doesn't like him very much. He is stayin with the Finch family so he doesn't have to go to Miss Rachel's.

Unknown said...

#2 He told Atticus that Dill was there when Dill didn't want anyone to know. He had felt he had betrayed Dill. He also did a very responsile thing by not hiding it. There would have been a lot of problems.

Unknown said...

Scout finds Dill under the bed. He is hiding because he ran away from home and did not want to go to Miss Rachel's house.

Unknown said...

# 1
Scout finds Dill hiding under the bed. He ran away from his home. His new father doesn't like him much, and his mother doesn't want him around. He feels unloved.

Unknown said...

#1...Scout finds dill under hes bed. He is hiding from his dad who is cruel to him.

Unknown said...

#1 Scout felt something that she thought was a snake, but turned out to be Dill, one night. He said that his new parents didn't like him, so he ran away. He had spent all of his money to get there, but had finally arived famished, of course.

Unknown said...

Scout finds dill under her bed. he is hiding because his stepdad is mean to him. He locked dill in th cellar. He goes there so his stepdad can't find him.

Unknown said...

1 Scout finds Dill under the bed. He is hidding because he ran away from home and he didnt want to go to Miss Rachels. and his dad herts him.

Unknown said...

He finds dill.because he is hinding from his dad.

Briana said...

1. Who does Scout find hiding under the bed? Why is this person hiding in the Finch home?
She finds Dill and he is there because his dad is mean to him and he one time locked him in a cellar and didn't let him out until a guy found him and let him out.

mother said...

1. Scout finds dill under the bed. He is hiding because he ran away from home and did not want to go to Miss Rachel's

Unknown said...

Q. 1
Scout finds Dill hiding underneath her bed. Dill is hiding there because he is afraid of his father. His father mistreats him and Dill is scared of him.

Unknown said...

1. Scout finds Dill hiding under her bed. He ran away because his parent did notlike him much.

Unknown said...

#1 Scout found Dill hiding under her bed in fear of his father, mostly because his father is mean to him. The Finches decided to let Dill hide there for awhile.

Unknown said...

1. Scout finds Dill hiding under the bed. He told Scout that his new dad doesn't like him. He said that his mom doesn't want him anymore.

Unknown said...

Scout finds a person under the bed. This person is Dill. He is hiding there because he dosen't want to go to Miss Rachel's house.

Unknown said...

#1 He finds Dill hiding under the bed. He came because Dill's dad is mean to him. he even put him in a cellar one time. He is not a good father.

Unknown said...

#1 He finds Dill hiding under the bed. He came because Dill's dad is mean to him. He even put him in a cellar one time. He is not a good father.

Unknown said...

Q 2. Jem is a taitor because his dad was defending a black man. He was not one the whites side. Jem was a son of a tratior so the thought that Jem was not like his father.

brittany payne said...

1.Scout finds boo radley under her bed.Because Jem and Scout were attacked by a man coming back from the school play and boo had saved both of them and carried Jem home.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Scout finds Dill hiding under the bed. He is hiding because he ran away from home and did not want to go to Miss Rachel's. Then he spends the night over at Scouts house.

Unknown said...

#1 Scout finds Dill hiding under the bed. Dill is hiding under the bed because of his dad. Dill's dad locked Dill in the cellar untill a guy came and got him out. He is at the Finch house so that he can stay with the Finches while he is hiding.

Unknown said...


Sout found Dill hiding under the bed. He ran away from home because he didn't want to go to Miss Rachel's house. So Scout let him stay there.

Unknown said...

Scout think she finds a snake at first so she has Jem get a broom and hit under the bed and then out pops Dill. He had ran away from home because his family didn't care about him so he decided to come to Scout and Jem. First he walked and ran into a circus and he traveled with them and then he saw the sign for Maycomb County and he walked 6 more miles and then he was under Scout's bed. Then Atticus lets him eat the left overs and he calls his aunt to let her know where Dill is.

Unknown said...

#1 She sees Dill underneath her bed. He sayed that he ran away because his father was being mean. So he spends the night with scout.

Unknown said...

Scout finds Dill under the bed. He is under there because he is hiding from his dad. His dad is mean to him and Dill wants to hide at the Finches home for a while.

Unknown said...

#1 Scout finds Dill under the bed. Hes hiding there cause hisdads mean to him. Hes there with the Finches cause hes hiding from his dad.

Unknown said...

?1) Scout finds Dill hiding under the bed. The reeason the Dill is hiding in the Finches home is because Dill is hiding.

dallas cowboys said...

# 1
Scout finds Dill hiding under the bed. He ran away from his home. His new father doesn't like him much, and his mother doesn't want him around. He feels unloved.

dallas cowboys said...

# 1
Scout finds Dill hiding under the bed. He ran away from his home. His new father doesn't like him much, and his mother doesn't want him around. He feels unloved.