Thursday, January 18, 2007

Chapter 7

Choose one of the following questions and answer in a complete paragraph (minimum of 3 sentences). Note the question you are responding to.

1. Does Jem still fear the gifts in the tree? Give reasons for your answer.

2. When the children plan to send a letter to the person who leaves the gifts, they are prevented. How does this happen? Who does it, and why might he do so?

3. Can you find evidence that Jem is more mature and wise (intelligence and awareness that comes with age/experience? than Scout? Provide at least one example that supports your answer.


Unknown said...

1 no she eats them

Unknown said...

#2. they are prevented by cement that was put into the hole in the tree. mr. avery does this cuz' the tree was unhealthy. i think the real reason he did it was cuz' he knew the kids were finding stuff in it and he probably didn't like that.

Unknown said...

No becuase he thinks that boo isnt that bad

Unknown said...

2. Mr. Radley cements up the hole in the tree. he might have done it to keep them from knowing about Boo.

Shelbz said...

Number 2

They are prevented because the tree is filled in with cement. Mr. Avery did it. he did it so the tree wouldn't rot.

Unknown said...

1# He is over it becuase he learned to get over them. They kept getting them so he learned to just get used to it.

Unknown said...

Question 2.

they are stopped by the cement that was put in the whole in the tree. Mr. Avery did that because the tree was unhealthy and he didnt want it to rot. He probably didnt want the kids to find the items in the tree.

Unknown said...

#2 They are prevented by cement that was put in the tree hole. Mr.Avery said that the tree was unhealthy. He Proll did it cuz Scout and Jem were finding stuff.

Unknown said...

Yes jem is still a little scaredy cat about da gifts in da tree cuz he doesnt no who there r from and he feels like he is being stocked.

Unknown said...

The children are prevented from sending the letter to the person who is leaving the gifts. They were going to stick it in the tree, but when they went to the tree the hole was cemented over. The person who did this was Mr. Radley and he probably did this because he didn't want them bothering his son

Unknown said...

2. They cant leave the letter because the tree is filled up with concrete.

Unknown said...

#2. Theyare prevented by cement that was put into the hole in the tree. Mr. Avery does this because the tree was unhealthy. I think the real reason he did it was because he knew the kids were finding stuff in it and he probably didn't like it.

Unknown said...

my first blog was crap so heres the other 1 jem thinks it is poin\soned and dosent want scouyt to eat the gum

Unknown said...

#1 no Jem dosent he thinks Boo Radley is trying to talk to him. so he trys to get somthing out of the tree every week to see if he is trying to tell him somthing

Unknown said...

# 1 At first, Jem is scared of the gifts from the tree. He is scared because everyone says anything off of the Radley place is poisoned. After a while, he is not scared, because when Scout ate the gum from the tree she didn't die.

Unknown said...

#1 No jem doesnt not fear the gifts in the tree. He just thinks that b radly is trying to say somthing to him. Then he checks the tree for things every week.

Unknown said...

#2 Jem and Scout wrote a letter to the person who put the gifts into the knothole of the tree but the knothole was filled with cement when they got there. Mr. Radley did it and said that he did it because the tree was dying even though it looked as healthy as every other tree. I think that he did it so that his son Boo wouldn't be seen or found out.

Unknown said...

1. No he does not believe that boo is a bad person. He also enjoys the gum they find. He enjoys finding the new toys and items every day.

Briana said...

2.When the children plan to send a letter to the person who leaves the gifts, they are prevented. How does this happen? Who does it, and why might he do so?
They planned to put the letter in the tree and when they go to do it there is cement in the tree hole. Mr. Radley. He said the tree was dying and it would help to fill in the hole with cement.

Unknown said...

2. When they try to put the letter in the tree where the gifts were they notice that it is full of cement. Mr. Avery put the cement in the hole because he said the tree is starting to rot and die. I think he did this so that Jem and Scout will leave and they wouldn't keep looking in the hole.

Unknown said...

#3 I don't think Jem is wise at all. He likes to get in trouble and he doesnt follow the rules. Scout on the other hand feels bad when she gets in trouble.

Unknown said...

Q. 2
Mr. Avery cemented the hole in the tree which prevented the children from sending the letter. Mr. Avery excused himself by saying he was simply attempting to prevent the tree from rotting. I believe the real reason is that he knew the children were finding and taking things from the hole in the tree and he was not comfortable with it.

Unknown said...

3. To me, I kind find anything that makes Jem look mature and wise. He acts like a child most of the time instead of his age. One example; he tells Jem that she keeps being lady like. If he acter more mature he wouldn't mind the lady like stuff. Another thing is that he runs to and from the Radly place in a bravery challenge, if he was wise and more mature he would know that it was stupid and wouldn't have done the Radley game. The only things he knows are somethings about school, but not to much. He is not very intelligent. I don't like the fact of his respects toward Atticus' intelligence and wisdom.

Me: oh yeah I'm a smart cookie, and my ID(username) you know who I am and you know that I'm weird like that. Rock on!!! ^^

Unknown said...

Jem does not fear the gifts in the tree. One day they found two pieces of carved soap shaped like them. Also because the gum did not kill Scout.

Unknown said...

2. Mr. Radley fills the hole with cement because boo is leaving stuff for him. he said the tree was dieing.

Unknown said...

I Cought your typeo.

Unknown said...

#2 There was cemmentin the hole in the tree. So they couldn't send the letter.Mr. Avery put cement into the hole because it was unhealthy.

Unknown said...


Mr. Avery prevented the children from sending the letter. He put cement in the tree. He did this because it was unhealthy.

payton_roy said...

#2 He wasn't afraid of it any more and was going to right a letter to the pirson that was putting the stuf in there.When they went to put the letter in the tree they discovered the tree had been filled with concrete.They lader discovered it was Mr.Avery that had filled the tree to keep it from die'n.

Unknown said...

#2) They are prevented because because the tree was filled with cement. Mr. Avery was the one who filled the tree with cement. He did it so the tree wouldn't rot and die.

Unknown said...

NO,he thinks that Mr.Radley is trying to prove that he is really nice. He tries the gum and stuff for himself and decides that it is okay

Unknown said...

#2 they are prevented by cement. mr.Avery does this.Because the tree was unhealthy.

Unknown said...

They are prevented from leaving the letter because the tree is filled in with cement. Mr. Avery did it because he didn't want the tree to rot.

Unknown said...

They are stopped by the cement that was put in the in the tree. Mr. Avery did that because the tree was unhealthy and he didnt want it to rot. He probably didnt want the kids to find the items in the tree.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

No because he doesnt think that Boo Radley isnt that bad.

Unknown said...

2 Mr. Avery prevented the children from sending the letter. Mr. avery does this because the tree was unhealthy.I think the real reason he did it was cuz' he knew the kids were finding stuff in it and he probably didn't like that.